Top Greetings from the Director Foundation background |
Greetings from the Director Recently, the robot technology has recorded dynamic development above all in the entertainment field. However we have to regret the status of robot technology in the field of practical use nowadays. In the elderly dominated society robot technology in symbiosis with humankind and the nature should have been highly required. We can point out a background in which we all have taken it important to advance the high-functionality of robots themselves. In the near future we all think about living with robots in daily life. In this occasion we need to build a symbiosis between humankind, robot and their environment, such as accommodation in its structure and functions. The Waseda University has introduced the humanoid robot WABOT-1 in 1973, and it was the very first in the world. Afterwards, we have kept our leading position in robotics research. Not only in the robotics research but also in the field of architecture we have introduced different kinds of novel designs and innovative building methods. In the field of the telecommunication, which is a backbone of different kinds of modern and postmodern technologies,Waseda University has assured big success both in research and in education. As a good contribution in this field we can name the Global Information and Telecommunication Institute, which is conducted through theWaseda University. @Not only robotics engineers, architects or IT researchers but also fine artists take part in the WABOT-HOUSE project, and they try to design an optimal shape from robotic and architectural points of view. They are researching to realize the substantial symbiosis between humankind and robots. The Construction of WABOT-HOUSE Laboratory moves right along at the site in Techno Plaza in Gifu. We have already completed two houses: the 1st building in the Block B, which is planned as a space for symbiosis between humans and robots, and the Block C, a space for robots. In the first floor of the 1st building of the Block B, you will find a dining room/kitchen and a washroom, which is supposed to introduce you a new lifestyle in the near future. Radio frequency ID (RFID) tags and indoor GPS are some example of new technologies of structured environment for robots there. Several enterprises participate active in the project and thanks to their participation we are going to start the experiment for robots supporting the human life. Soon we will complete the construction of Block A, a space for humankind, and the 2nd building of the Block B, which is supposed for several individual researches. By the way, there is a report written by the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Robot Association. This report suggests that the robotics industry shouldnft aspire to an oligopoly market with several huge companies, but better to keep competitive structure among ventures as well as SME (small and medium-sized enterprises), and try to expand herself as a component industry. To realize this suggestion, we need some good system integrators who possess know-how to coordinate these different components. The university education is under strong expectations for satisfying them. In Gifu prefecture there are many SME, which have a good technical potential in manufacture. We hope to launch a new robotics industry from Gifu through the active collaboration with local enterprises. We warmly invite
you to participate in the activities of WABOT-HOUSE Laboratory and to support
our mutual goals. |